so I KNOW this has nothing to do with cars. but let me wax political for a moment. I just want to note how ironic it is that all the liberal blogs criticize the democratic party for not challenging the republican candidates on the issues. This from those promoting a candidate who is one of the most gifted men I have ever seen at saying absolutely NOTHING...and saying it so beautifully. Perhaps it hasn't occurred to them that perhaps the reason they don't want to get into the cause they don't have any answers either.
Second, I would like to get one thing straight.
This is MY GIRL...and I love her. :-)

isn't she gorgeous?
perhaps this comment is a bit overdue, but:
yyyyeeeesss..... yes, she is. ;)
What's that great orange blot in the middle of the photograph?
Um, that's my fiancee.
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