Second, I would like to get one thing straight.
This is MY GIRL...and I love her. :-)
isn't she gorgeous?
A blog chronicling the progress of my '77 mustang project.
So when I started, I had this lofty goal of blogging on at least a weekly basis about the progress I make on my car. Well, so far I count 8 blogs in 10 months...that puts me at less than one a months. well...I can't be good at everything.
updates: Aluminum heads are installed, which involved a fun part where I cut into the top of my pistons with a dremel. but they seem to be working well. The engine is running pretty well but needs some work on the carb, and possibly a collapsed lifter replaced.
Body work continues (slowly) I think for the time being I am going to go with a dark gray primer with a seal coat over it. the final effect is something of a matte black. I can live with it.
I used Por 15 and some fiber glass to fix my rusted floor pans. the stuff is INTENSE. I highly recommend it. a bit of a pain to work with, but when it hardens it's hardness is second only to diamond. ;-) ok, so maybe not quite THAT hard, but it is hard...and yes, that is a good thing.
The tranny conversion is scheduled to begin this weekend (hopefully). I still don't have my flywheel, but I think I'm gonna start either way. I'm gonna try to pull out the old tranny w/out removing the engine. not sure if I can do it cause of the full length headers I am running, but it's worth a shot. Beats pulling all the crap off of the front of the engine and pulling the engine out. tranny is getting a new flywheel, clutch, flexplate, clutch cable, and bearing retainer. should work well.
Pictures...oh they are far overdue, and I know it. I'll try to get some pictures soon.
The interior is completely pulled out right now, and is in the process of being painted black. won't look perfect (never does) but it'll look pretty sweet. I'm also adding carbon fiber accents to a few key areas courtesy of Rich's Custom Carbon Fiber Products. They really make great stuff, and I have a lot of respect for their skill and prefessionalism.
hopefully a piture post will be coming tom...